Williams - the surname

a surname on our maternal side

"Williams" is the 3rd most popular surname in the U.S. Frequency is 0.699% and percentile is 2.515. These figures are from the 1990 U.S. Census. It is a name found frequently in Wales as well as in other English-speaking countries. The people in the table below are part of our Thake Family-Group.

The (-1G), etc., indicates the number of generations before Erven Thoma and his siblings. Bold-faced names have their own page.

People With This Surname On This Site
Owen John Williams (-2G) - his page Catherine Eliz. Williams (-1G) - her page

Relevant Charts and Tables On This Site
Go to the Home Page Go to the Main Ancestor Chart
Go to the Surname Index Go to the Family Groups Table
Go to the Thake Fam. chart

Last revised on 27 Jan. 2004 by Erven Thoma