Ostheimer - the surname

a surname on our maternal side

The name "Ostheimer" is a compound word.  "Ost" means "east" and "Heim" means "home". It is a German name. The majority of people with that surname came from Bavaria, especially the counties of Oberfranken, Mittlefranken, Unterfranken.  They also come from the Rhineland; Pfalz area of Bavaria; the Starkenburg area of Hessen; and the Hesse-Nassau and Westphalia areas of Prussia.

Johanna Ostheimer is part of our Vossler Family Group.

The Ostheimer Forum on GenWeb:  Click here

Coat-of-Arms for Ostheim

In the table below, the (-5G), etc., indicates the number of generations before Erven Thoma and his siblings. Bold-faced names have their own page. The asterisk marks a direct-line ancestor.

People With This Surname On This Site
Johanna Ostheimer* (-5G) - her page

Other, Unrelated(?) Ostheimer People in St. Louis and the N. Rheinland

Maria Ostheimer and Conradus Gillmann married on 20 Oct. 1868 (St. Louis, MO Marriages)

Christina Ostheimer and Frederick H. Vosler married on 23 June 1854 (St. Louis, MO Marriages) (also in LDS Official Temple Record film #1903668).

A Maria Ostheimer and her husband Friederick Vossler are the parents of Heinrich Friedrich Vossler who was baptized on 07 Aug. 1859 at Holy Trinity R. C. Church in St. Louis. The pastor was Doebbener and Maria Hoevel, wife of Michael Vossler was one of the godparents (Holy Trinity Baptisms, 1859-1877, p. 11). The same parents also had a son, Jacob in 1855. Theresia Vossler was a godparent at Jacob's baptism; another Ostheimer was another godparent.

Jeanne Ostheimer was born in Missouri. Ostheimer is her married name.

Adam Ostheimer, saloon, 3954 S. Broadway (St. Louis City Directory, 1890). He is found in the 1880 Census, 2nd enumeration for St. Louis where he is listed as a 30 year old man from Saxony, boarding without family. He died on 04 Nov. 1898 (St. Louis, MO Death Register).

Eliza Ostheimer died on 28 Jan. 1897 and was buried in Friedens Cemetery (St. Louis, MO Death Register).

Peter Ostheimer died on 19 May 1890 (St. Louis, MO Death Register).

Relevant Charts and Tables On This Site
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Last revised on 20 Mar. 2006 by Erven Thoma