Juengel - the surname

a surname on our paternal side

The family lived in St. Louis, MO from the second half of the 19th century. Earlier generations came from Hessen-Darmstadt, in particular the Oberhessen district. There were also some Juengel families in the Rhineland, Prussia, esp. in Bettenfeld and Solingen. I do not know the meaning or derivation of the name, but it is a German surname. The people in the table below are part of our Fridolin Thoma's First-Family Group.

The (-4G) etc. indicates the number of generations before Erven Thoma and his siblings. The asterisk indicates direct-line ancestors. Those in bold type have their own pages.

People With This Surname On This Site

Marie (Mary) Margarethe Elisabeth Juengel (-2G) - her page

Elisabeth Amalia Juengel (-2G) - sister's page
Johann Heinrich (John Henry) Juengel (-3G) - his page Elisabeth Amalia Juengel (-3G) - her page
Lukas Juengel (-2G) - sister's page Edward Juengel (-2G) - sister's page
August Juengel (-2G) - sister's page Heinrich Juengel (-3G) - sister's page

Other Juengel households:

The St. Louis City Directory of 1887 lists several Juengel families and one business. The heads of household and employed males are as follows:

Charles, foreman, res. 2322 S. 9th
Charles A. of J. Juengel & Son, res 1841 Linn
Emil, mounter, res 1810 DeKalb
Henry, huckster, res 1510 S. 7th
John of J. Juengel & Son, res 1841 Linn
Julius, painter, res 408 Victor
Justice, mounter, res 1810 DeKalb
J. Juengel & Son (John and Charles A.), florists, at 1841 Linn
Martin, team., res 1911 Ann Ave.
Nicholas, foundry, res rear of 3317 S. 7th
Theodore E., press., res 1911 Ann Ave.

The above list "boils down" to seven residential locations (families): 2322 S. 9th for Charles; 1841 Linn for Charles A. and John, 1810 DeKalb for Emil and Justice, 1510 S. 7th for Henry, 408 Victor for Julius, 1911 Ann for Martin and Theodore E., and 3317 S. 7th for Nicholas. Of course, wives, children, and other non-employed relatives will more than double the number of people with the Juengel surname. The wife of Otto Thoma, Mary Elizabeth Juengel, was a daughter of John; she and Otto were married ca. 1888.

A Johannes Juengel (-5G) married Anna Dorothea Gross (-5G), sometime in the last quarter of the 18th century, perhaps in the district of Oberhessen, Hessen. One of their children was Johann Heinrich Jungel (-4G), born on 01 Mar. 1796 in Lehnheim, Oberhessen, Hessen. (He died on 10 May 1861.) He may have married an Anna Maria Dietrich (-4G) on 20 Oct. 1816 in Bellersheim, Oberhessen, Hessen.

Johann Heinrich Juengel (-4G) and Anna Maria Dietrich (-4G) had at least a son Johann Georg Juengel (-3G) who was born on 29 Dec. 1821. Perhaps Anna Dietrich (-4G) died before 1823. Anyway, Johann Heinrich (-4G) remaried to Anna Maria Magold (-4G) on 10 May 1823 in Lehnheim.

One of the sons of Johann Heinrich Juengel (-4G) and Anna Maria Magold (-4G) was Johann Heinrich (John Henry) Juengel (-3G), was born on 18 Mar. 1824 in Lehnheim, Oberhessen, Hessen-Darmstadt. John Henry (and his wife?) immigrated before 1870 and settled in St. Louis. One of their daughters was the Marie (Mary) Elisabeth (-2G) listed above who married Otto Thoma. John Henry Juengel (-3G) died on 18 Apr. 1891 in St. Louis, MO.

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Last revised on 23 Jan. 2004 by Erven Thoma